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Martedì, 6 Aprile, 2010

Pakistan: 46 morti in attacchi, assaltato consolato USA. Responsabilita’ rivendicato dal gruppo talebano (Movimento dei talebani del Pakistan) o (Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan) TTP

Islamist militants armed with guns, grenades and suicide car bombs targeted the US consulate in Pakistan northwestern capital yesterday and hit a political rally, killing 46 people.

The attacks in quick succession were among the deadliest so far this year in nuclear-armed Pakistan, where insecurity has raised concerns in the United States as Washington steps up the fight in Afghanistan and against al-Qaeda.

Pakistan Taliban (Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan TTP) claimed responsibility for the consulate attack, claiming it was to avenge a US drone war targeting top militants in Pakistan border areas with Afghanistan, and threatened further assaults on Americans.

The News:
http://www.thepenins … ews2010040621939.xml